
Saturday, December 29, 2012

*and so it is...*

And so it is... Eased and pleased.
Here's to the first blog, 
a log to write down thoughts, 
right the wrongs, scribe anything that comes 
to mind, free and real, honest and open, sincere and true.
That's what a blog is all about either way.

Do you remember before the blog era,
when diaries and stories, opinions and thoughts, 
ideas and proposals, where all left inside a box;
in a drawer, in a closet, locked up, so that they are kept secret, safe, unpublished and unshared?

In line with that, eye recently reopened an old safe that eye had, forgotten in a corner, in my apartment. Couldn't quite open it in the beginning, since eye had lost the key, and a password was never set. Luckily, locksmiths exist for that... So, eye opened it yesterday after many years, and felt the feeling one gets when finding something hidden for so many years, like a treasure, and the wave of joy that the memories that have been hiding in the findings, bring along. In the safe, eye had placed all my writings, lyrics, drawings, valuable items, school ideas and notes, and of course many cassette tapes, with recordings before the mp3s, from 2000 till 2008. Eye locked them there, before leaving to Madrid in September of 2008, as something that eye truly cherish, something that was and is a part of me and consider my legacy.

Well, whatever we create is actually our legacy, a part of us, that is printed in time, and meant to hopefully inspire or move others to create as well, so that we can thus evolve ourselves and our surrounding. Writings, songs, sounds, movies, stories, tastes, inspire us and are inspired as well, to create a never-ending circle of creation. How many movies have been based on books, how many songs have been written for movies, then remixed to form part of other songs, that play on the radio and in our ears, while books and stories are written? It would be fun to see a huge machine working with creations being fed and produced at the same time, and observe their stories and their progress before they become food for thought again.

So the best thing to do is to share them, to filter them correctly and flag them as points in our lives that have a meaning and can light the way and answer questions for others. In that way, we cultivate the grounds of something bigger, and make ourselves become part of the whole, removing us from these little corners and drawers, that we hide our thoughts.

Thus, in this digital space, to serve its great and collective purpose, eye will be posting ideas, sharing thoughts, past, present, and future ones, lyrics, drawings, and any kind of creation, with you. Will try to slowly write down some of the treasure findings of the safe, and hear your thoughts on them.

And so it was... The first of the blogs.

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